Thursday, July 23, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy.....

It sure has been crazy the past week...We went on the 100 mile yard sale - so much fun! My hubby took a days vacation so we could go, so it was him and I and the 2 girls. The boys weren't interested in going to yard sales all day so they stayed home and had some quality brother time :-) I got some pretty good deals.
We also went on the ATV dice run to benefit our local search and rescue team. We had a blast! It was over 25 miles of trails. You had to be 16 to ride so my sister watched the kids for us and me and Eric got to have a day to ourselves - just the 2 of us. It rained off and on and was reeaaallly muddy but we didn't care. We laughed and talked during the whole ride, it was nice to be able to spend some alone time together.
My step-nieces graduation party went well. The decorations turned out great (and I forgot to take pics of them) and thankfully I made enough cookies for everyone! Rikki and Maddie enjoyed helping me make them (and licking beaters and eating cookie dough).
The kids have all been invited to birthday parties (3 of them in 5 days) so I have been busy taking kids to parties, buying presents....ahhhh These were just for their friends, my nephews bitrthday was the 11th, my best friends daughters is also on the 11th and Daniels was the 8th!
Plus the 4th - this month has sure been a lot of partying!
I finally got my email last night for my swap partner - I was so excited - I was even more excited when I checked the mail this morning and found a package from my partner! I received some great things! The coupon holder was my favorite! I have been looking for one of those forever and haven't been able to find one - my partner must be a mind reader - lol Here is a pic of what I got. Well the pic is at the top for some reason and I can't figure out how to get it down here. I really need to learn more about blogging - I see all these other bloggers with these awesome, fancy pages and I have not yet been able to figure out how get mine awesome and fancy - I will need to put that on my to-do-list.

1 comment:

  1. Your kiddos are so cute!

    Glad you got the package okay and like the coupon holder - I love mine! :)
